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Keynote Speakers: Neil Sahota & Dr. Manil Maskey

AI in Education

The sudden rise of the popular ChatGPT sent shockwaves across college campuses and garnered national media attention. AI can assist instructors in grading exams, checking for academic dishonesty, and providing a personalized learning experience with AI platforms. Students are also able to reap the benefits of tools such as Grammarly, Duolingo, and Alexa. These resources can help students learn but also create challenges for longstanding education systems. This panel discussion will focus on the way AI has changed the way we learn, teach, and see the use of technology in education.

Panelists: Dr. Kevin Winstead, Ph.D. || Dr. Rahimi, Ph.D. || Kristina Ishmael

AI in Healthcare

Advancements in AI have raised questions about such technology’s application in medical settings. AI has transformed research, precision medicine, diagnostics, and electronic health records. Current AI can outperform physicians in diagnosing diseases and discovering tumors. During the COVID-19 pandemic, usage of telehealth services increased and now continues to gain more momentum. Despite the many benefits that AI provides to the healthcare field, there are several important challenges including medical accountability, ethical considerations, and data privacy concerns. Panelists will discuss the technological uses of AI within the medical industry along with the benefits it has on patients and healthcare professionals throughout the field.

Panelists: Dr. Azra Bihorac, M.D., M.S., FCCM, FASN || Dr. Robert F. Donnell, M.D. || Dr. Serena Jingchuan Guo, M.D., Ph.D.

AI in Agriculture

AI can revolutionize agriculture, providing more useful insights for producers and researchers. AI can bridge the knowledge gap between farmers and technology, and help decrease production costs and manage diseases. With the global population predicted to exceed nine billion by 2050, increasing agricultural production is important, given the expected increase in demand for food and other resources. This panel will focus on how to handle the growing population through predictive algorithms, crop disease mapping, harvest and livestock monitoring, and crop yield prediction.

Panelists: Dr. Hendrick Hamann, Ph.D. || Matthew Donovan, MBA || Dr. Kati Migliaccio, Ph.D.

AI in Law

AI is poised to disrupt the legal field. Machine learning algorithms are revolutionizing case discovery and contract review. Thus, allowing lawyers to focus on strategic aspects of their cases. Additionally, AI’s predictive capabilities, harnessed by analyzing extensive historical case data, empower legal professionals to assess case success probabilities through different tailored strategies. As AI’s role expands, it also raises ethical and regulatory considerations for its uses. AI can help process documents and organize legal information with a high efficiency, but, when given biased human input, AI can also generate discriminatory conclusions. This panel will highlight the role AI plays in the realm of legislation, its potential impacts on the legal employment market, and its overall impact on the outcome of cases.

Panelists: Latisha Nixon-Jones, J.D., B.S.M || Lauren Scholz, J.D., B.A.